5-ELEMENT philosophy
"Salt, Acid, Spice, Texture, and Maillard Reaction"
Different times and locations can greatly influence one tasting profile over another. Through her researches and culinary journey, Chef Pam defines her own framework by mastering each element. Every element encompasses its very own unique and inherent properties and when combined, they work simultaneously to create one united universe. This has led her to develop a culinary principle – THE 5 ELEMENTS – which become the determination of the cuisine at POTONG.
At POTONG all dishes are enforced with the same principle and are equally important. Each dish besets this 5-element philosophy and finds its ultimate statement in our dining room setting.
Salt is ocean, humanized, and fundamental. Salt isn't just an addition, it creates multiplication of flavor and the tasting profile. A pinch of salt truly alters one’s dish outcome.
A fascinating characteristic that enables an unconditional drooling of saliva on one. A natural agent of taste and flavor that enables pathway for numerous and assorted essences.
At the heart of every cuisine’s culture is spice. Spice is in everything without exception. Spice speaks the truth of the inheritance and tradition. Permitting us to unfurl and develop flavor to its maximum capacity without alteration.
Delicate, dry, hard, permeable, slimy, thick, versatile… stratums of surface created and ensembled into feature of a bite. A scrumptious tactile encounter.
Aroma, bitterness, burnt, scent, and sense. A fonding chemical reaction that not only stimulates every taste buds but also elevate the dish beyond expectations.
5 ELEMENTS to formulate memory
“Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch”
The underlying inquiry Chef Pam posed to herself at the absolute starting point of making her first course was, how do I create an exceptional and extraordinary experience? Can it be possible to formulate a memory for her guests and ‘liberate’ one to join her memory at the same time?
It only takes a moment to make memories and a lifetime to forget them. Pam believes that with the right setting, memory can be formulated and that can only happen when these senses are initiated simultaneously.